Why Not Pay a Visit to Robbinsdale?

Robbinsdale offers a great deal to the man or woman seeking to escape the noise and bustle of the city, those who wish to own their own home and yet find it necessary to be within easy access of the city.  Robbinsdale offers a number of outstanding advantages chief among them is the fact that choice lots maybe had at a reasonable figures well others can be bought for very low price. When one takes into consideration the prices asked for city lots, the wonder is the Robbinsdale real estate is so cheap. There are no inflated values no boom prices, taxes are reasonable. Many people are met that tell when they could have bought business sites in the city for a few hundred dollars there now worth hundreds of thousands. They tell of the time when frame dwellings occupied the sides of skyscrapers of today. These are not idle dreams. They are reality and what is true of the large cities will be true of Robbinsdale, 20 years from now. Where today the  population is 8,000, there will be 40 to 50,000 in 15 years.  Robbinsdale is a great place to invest. A real estate firm used to advertise   a slogan, “there is only one crop of land”, true then it is more so today the man of foresight will not hesitate in acquiring dirt anywhere in Robbinsdale, with this year’s phenomenal growth will come more in 1925. All records will be broken. This is the best opportunity ever on offer to acquire a home and to be independent.

Robbinsdale invites the reader to pay her a visit. Come next week to the Harvest Home Festival if possible but at anytime just jump into your flyer or Rolls Royce and come out and look over the best town in the northwest. A steady stream of automobiles and buses pour by each laden with people who, like A.B. Robbins, catch a glimpse of the charms of Robbinsdale and what is more natural than, they too should want to stop, look over the ground and tarry. The future of Robbinsdale is assured. Already the Lake District of Minneapolis is becoming filled up and people coming in must have a suitable location. They are turning their eyes toward Robbinsdale and the drive during the next 5 years will witness thousands of new citizens living in the most attractive and beautiful suburb of any in the United States.

From the front page of the Northern Headlight Newspaper
September 17th, 1924

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