September Membership Meeting Minutes

Membership Meeting of September 27th, 2016

The meeting opened at 1:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary Carolyn Lageson and give a brief outline of our latest board meeting

Treasurer, Dean Cummings was not present, but he sent a report. We are expecting a negative balance at the end of the year due to our purchase of cabinets for the museum.

“Meet and Greet” on Robbinsdale’s Main Street on September went well. Thanks to Bob Meyer, Joel Peterson, Doug Blumb, Earle Johnston and Diane Jacobson McGee. We sold $80 worth of the Robbinsdale book.

Rollie Hayward said we had five 74 visitors at the museum since our May meeting. We also have two new sculptures from Bob Johnson’s family collection and a few books on railroads. The sculptors where the faces of mount Rushmore and a bison.

Thanks for giving to Robert Meyer who generously donated new chairs from a group he has worked with.

Diane said we need a new flag and a stand and asked for a donation. She also asked for requests for future membership meeting programs and give a brief update on the Save the Terrace group.

Today’s treats were given by Corrine Jones. Volunteers are needed for future meetings.

Dody Doughery and Betty Anderson helped at the sign in table.

The program for the meeting was introduced. Susan James Morrow has been doing work with genealogy for several years and shared stories as well as methods to “find your roots.”

Approximately 25 people attended this meeting minutes were compiled by Carolyn Lageson, secretary

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