On a Bike!

On several occasions during the last few days the attention of the residents of the village has been attracted by some very strange atmospherical disturbances. During a dead calm, the wind (without any previous indications), would spring up with the force of a small cyclone. This phenomenon greatly puzzled several, and considerable satisfaction is expressed that at last the puzzle is solved. It seems that Deacon J. B. Shumway has invested in a brand new bicycle, and is endeavoring to properly train the unknown critter to become modest and gentle, as it no doubt will in time, but at present it has very sulky and sometimes very rantankerous spells. The Deacon practices on his lawn which has a decidedly western slope, and several times in the past the bike has started down that slope with a velocity that would make John Johnson blush. Everything goes along lovely, providing the machine don’t shy to one side, but invariably after a good shy there is always a slight accident, and the boys are always willing to help to find any missing parts, either of the machine or rider. Occasionally, a trip will be made without any accident, and it is these trips that starts the wind a-blowing. People who are posted on bicycle riding claim that Mr. Shumway will never become one of the most graceful riders, but the enthusiastic energy and stolid determination, assisted by a peculiar short jerky side wheel pedal motion, and the odd manner in which he evenly divides his whiskers on either side, to keep his balance, and catch the wind, will eventually place the Deacon in the front rank of fancy riders.

Published in Thomas Girling’s Picturesque Robbinsdale Newspaper
Vol. 3 No. 2, March 1894

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