October Membership Meeting Minutes


President Diane Jacobson McGee opened the October meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Diane then introduced our new Board of Directors: Kristi Putnam Gibson, Susan James Morrow and

David Krussow. David will take the place of Dean Cummings as Treasurer. Thanks were given to

Dean Cummings for his work as Treasurer.

David gave his report of our finances.

The Minutes of the September meeting had been mailed to the members. There were no questions.

Diane said we are looking for input from our members for a new position of Vice President and any suggestions for other board members. Decisions on these positions will take place at our November
27th meeting.

There was a signup sheet on the table for refreshments for the November meeting. Betty Andersen, Dave Krussow and John Fischer all volunteered.

The program for this meeting was a history of Faith-Lilac Way Lutheran Church which is celebrating 75 years in Robbinsdale. The church is on the comer of 42nd and Welcome Avenues. Rebecca James Crass
led the program which had an interesting video presented by Linda St John and Pastor Pamela Stalheim Lane.

The November 27th meeting of the Historical Society will have as speaker Carol Ahlgren who will speak of the history of Jefferson Highway.

About twenty-five persons were present for the October meeting.

Carolyn Lageson, Secretary

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