This is the eighth post in a series featuring Dorthy Hartig’s History of Robbinsdale. Mrs. Hartig was active in the Minnesota Women’s Clubs and the Women’s Auxiliary of the American Legion. She was also President of the Minneapolis Presbyterial Society. The Hartigs lived at 3940 Lake Curve Avenue. In 1957, the 43rd Annual Convention of the Tenth District Minnesota Federation of Women’s Clubs was held at the Congregational Church in Robbinsdale, Mrs. Henry Hartig and Mrs. J. W. Bobleter were co-chairmen. There was a scrapbook contest and the scrapbook of the Robbinsdale Library Club, won first prize. Mrs. Hartig is remembered as Robbinsdale’s Girl Scout Troop Leader and in 1978 She helped to organize the Robbinsdale Historical Society. Five years later, Helen Blodgett used Mrs. Hartig’s informal history of Robbinsdale as a starting point for her book, Robbinsdale Then and Now Dorthy Hartig passed away, at the age of 92, in 1988.