Historian George Christensen left a fine legacy of our post and its activities during the depression. Westphal Post was called upon for hundreds of things for the unemployed and the sick in this “village.” They sponsored the local relief fund and they were the clearing house for the unemployed. The men were sent out on community clean-up programs. They cleared the snow from skating rinks, school playgrounds and “village” sidewalks. They also pulled weeds and cleared vacant lots for gardens. For this they received 40 cents in script to be used for rent, food, fuel. and clothes. The Robbinsdale community relief work was the outstanding activity for the 1931-32 year.

Westphal Post put up $1500 and with $1000 from the village, the south shore of Crystal Lake was turned into a park. Fifty unemployed men were given work “for two months to get the park in shape. Fund raisers were the sale of fireworks, Christmas trees and pancake breakfasts. The first pancake breakfast was held in 1932 and were so well received they had three more and it was decided to have one a month. Proceeds from these events provided 1250 individual short jobs totaling 30,000 hours and fifteen permanent jobs. The post took care of 150 families in need from October till March before the funds ran out.

More on the pancake breakfasts. They were held one mile north of Robbinsdale in Schaefers Grove near Twin Lake. “Chef” Raleigh Forrey and his crew turned out bacon, sausages, eggs and pancakes for “4 bits.” You had to furnish your own utinsels but that was quite a good deal for 50 cents.

Besides the Welfare program Westphal sponsored a scout troop of 40, and a Junior diamond ball team. They also sponsored a 45 piece, band which they brought to the convention in Rochester in 1932. They also held dog races, skating and ski races and furnished prizes for these events.The local editor had said that every worthwhile thing that took place in the village was sponsored by the Westphal Legion Post.

The Post was under the command of Raymond Winslow. He was a full time commander putting in 10-15 hours a day! I have touched on the “hi-lites” only. There were a lot of social events such as dances, dinners and a picnic on Memorial Day after the memorial services. Quite a feat for a Post that just pushed its membership to 160!
The Historian Report
Alice Anderson
October, 1982
Westphal Post 251 “Snafu”
Photos are from the Westphal 1919-1940 Scrapbook.