Despite a depression more than 250 million dollars was invested in miniature golf courses by players across America in the 1930’s. At the height of the Put-Put craze there were over 5,000 courses laid out in one week. In Robbinsdale, Walt’s Lilliput Miniature Golf between West Broadway and France Avenue at 37th opened in 1930 and brought in crowds from all over the north side of the city. Before people began to tire of it manufacturers were doing complete installs for as little as $4,500 dollars in any old vacant lot. A clear profit of $1,500 dollars a week wasn’t uncommon during the sultry summers of “Dirty Thirties” . Walt’s Lilliput changed names and and added amusements through the years. Old timers might remember archery, trampolines and Honda rentals at a place named Bob’s. The golf course was removed to make way for the Guaranty State Bank in the early 1960’s.