On January 8th, a hanger caught fire and burned six planes at the Robbinsdale Airport. Volunteer firemen were called out from Robbinsdale and Crystal Village. Damages were estimated at $25,000. Lack of a water supply forced the fireman to form a bucket brigade. They only managed to save one plane. Four of the planes that burned up belonged to the head of the airport, Marvin Northrup. Repairs were completed in March. In May, the airport hosted a high flying circus. The featured dare-devil Al Blackstone was renown for over 600 parachute jumps with no more damage than a few broken ribs, a shattered ankle and some broken teeth. The event was held to raise funds for the Minneapolis Municipal Auditorium organ. In October, Robbinsdale Flyer Gene Shank won the Minnesota State Air Derby in Grove City. Shank flew the 65 mile course in just under 47 minutes.
O.T. (Otto) Beaudoin, pictured here with Frank Dillenberg in 1937, was born in Quebec in 1871. He came to Robbinsdale in 1927. Beaudoin operated two barbershops in town and was in business for over thirty years. The Beaudoin Building on West Broadway still has his name etched in concrete above its brick facade. His granddaughter Betty Ruff was named Miss Robbinsdale in 1945.
In February the city of Tampa, Florida banned Captain Billy’s Whiz Bang magazine. The Chief of Police, D.B. York said the magazine was too smutty and would be barred from newsstands in the city.

In July, Robbinsdale voters rejected annexation to Minneapolis. Proponents lost by 92 ballots. 1368 votes were cast. 759 were for annexation and 603 were against. Five eighths of the total votes cast or 851 votes were required to carry the proposal.
Edward Duebner won the Witt’s Market fishing contest when he brought in a 5 pound, 20 inch, Black Bass.
A request from the Robbinsdale Village Council for a lower trolley fare to Minneapolis was defeated when the Minnesota Attorney General notified the council that he had no authority to adjust the rates. The rate between Robbinsdale and the Minneapolis Loop was 11 cents.
In December former Robbinsdale Mayor, Henry Uglem was sentenced to a term of 1-10 years at the state prison in Stillwater. He was found guilty by jury for the embezzling at least $4,000 dollars from Richard Winsett when Uglem was the manager of the Broadway Holding Company.