On the last Friday in April, Arbor Day at Parker school was celebrated with songs and recitations at morning assembly. Forty silver maple and elm trees were planted by the first grade boys and girls and assisted by the eighth grade boys who had dug the holes.
Bits of interest reported in the Robbinsdale Times, published by C.A. French from March to August in 1912:
In March—horse racing on Crystal Lake was over for the season.
Much concern was shown about oak trees and the deadly German barer.
Cost of living was going up—”veal now l0 cents a pound.”
Quiet and sane Fourth of July—no village celebration.
The Catholic Church people had a picnic at Manitoba Park and netted “a handsome sum of money.”

W. D. Crandall had invested $10,000 in his auto livery— stalls for 30 horses and ample room for autos and carriages.

On April 1st, the Girling Warner Company resumed service to Anoka, St. Michael and Lake Charlotte. Three cars with six round trips daily.
There was much news about the sinking of the Titanic in April. It was thought to be the greatest tragedy of the seas.
Mitchell roadsters were pictured and advertised. Thirty horsepower. Cost

The Robbinsdale Tellit reported that a would be passenger waiting for the train at the Robbinsdale Depot asked te station agent how long before the train would arrive. The agent looked up the track and said, ” Pretty soon now. Here comes the engineer’s dog”
Shortly after the dedication of Sacred Heart Church in 1911, a group of women formed a club which in October, 1912, officially became The Rosary Society. Mrs. J. A. Boies was the ftrst president. Money-raising events helped with the church expenses and when the convent was completed in 1927, the Society provided the furnishings.
This post is part of a series based on the book Robbinsdale Then and Now by Helen Blodgett. The postcard at the top of the post is part of Jeff Vick’s postcard collection.