In 1913 Parker School, built in 1890, was no longer adequate for over 200 pupils. Fourteen thousand dollars in bonds were issued to add four additional rooms to the front of the original school and the name was changed to Robbinsdale Public
School. Many additions have been built since, including an adjoining high school, an auditorium, a north wing, and a south wing. A major remodeling in the 1970’s included a swimming pool and removal of the auditorium for increased gymnasium space. It became a junior high school after a new high school was built in 1956.
The P. T. A. was organized in 1913, one of the first in the state. Mrs. Robert Craig (Carrie Swift) was instrumental in starting the group and was its first president. Child welfare in all its many branches has been the program of the Parents and Teachers Association. Hot lunches, milk for needy children, clothing projects, library facilities have been secured as they became necessary. “Each president left an imprint on the organization by carrying out some worthy objective,” said Esther Loe, in a December 8, 1938 paper. Esther Loe was a long-time, favorite teacher in School District No. 24. Her students both loved and feared her for being a strict disciplinarian. Another well-loved teacher at that time was Tekkla Thote who taught mathematics.

The Village Council set wages for labor in the Village: “a man and team’
$4.50 for a nine-hour day and for a man, $2 for a nine-hour day.”
On December 11th, The Commercial Club of Robbinsdale was organized with a membership of 45 and W.A. Farr as president. The club’s announced purpose was to boost first for Robbinsdale, then for Minneapolis.
This post is part of a series loosely based on the book Robbinsdale Then and Now by Helen Blodgett.