Smokehouse Monthly was one several digest sized bawdy humor pulps created by Captain Billy’s Fawcett Publications in the 1920’s. Dedicated to all glorious guzzlers, woozy warblers, rakes, scallawags, and other good people who still believe in the joy of living, Smokehouse Monthly was illustrated by some of the era’s bravest artists. Several issues were created using woodcut engravings. Most of the magazine’s jokes and humorous content poked fun at prohibition, alcohol, and speakeasy flim-flam. The first issue appeared in 1926. Minneapolis Pulp Artist, Carl Buettner contributed cartoons featuring alluring flappers discussing salacious topics. Buettner’s drawing style influenced fellow Fawcett Publications artists Norman Saunders, George Rozen, Allen Anderson, and Ralph Carlson. Smokehouse Monthly’s cover often made referenced the magazine as a nitwit, step or half brother to Captian Billy’s Whiz Bang.