The Ewald Bros. Dairy, established in 1886, started out with a herd of cows in South Minneapolis. They moved north to Golden Valley when the Minneapolis Park Board bought the land around Lake Hiawatha. The Ewalds operated an extensive dairy with more than 50 milk routes in Robbinsdale, Minneapolis and the surrounding countryside. This photo of Ray and Dewey Ewald with their milk wagon was snapped in the McNair Manor neighborhood about 1920.
Found an Ewald Bros, home milk box at the flea market this summer. Was interested that they moved the farm three times! Just got a Pederson Bros. milk box at a garage sale.
My Father delivered milk for the Ewald dairy for about 8 years until an injury curtailed his job toting heavy metal milk baskets for delivery to homes and schools. I can still hear the Ewald advertising jingle in my head. I was so proud of my father when he delivered milk to my grade school class at lunch time at Prescott Grade School in Northeast Minneapolis. The year was about 1952.
Fun to hear the story about your Dad selivering for Ewald’s ((except about his injury) . Im almost certai we have apicture of him in our archives. If you send me an email I will look for it.
I graduated from Robbinsdale High School in 1964. I went to school with Tim Ewald, but not for sure of which school right now. His he part of your family?