The Blacksmith Shop

The blacksmith shop became a village fascination  to young and old alike. It stood on the corner of West Broadway and Rockford Road. The shop was built by Haakon Christensen, a Norwegian emigrant arrived in Robbinsdale in 1888. The local people, particularly children, stood by the hour watching him ply his trade. He was actively engaged as a blacksmith for over fifty years. He shod horses, repaired farm implements and became the anchor at one end of the Robbinsdale’s downtown business district. Christensen was active in civic affairs. He died in 1945 at the age of 85.

Strong men wept only to rejoice at Robbinsdale High School last night, where the village of Robbinsdale was given its formal burial and the city of Robbinsdale had its formal birth. Those who had played an active part in the growth of the village sat at the pallbearer’s bench and mourned. Among those in attendance at the death was Mrs. Herman Risbie, the first child born in the village of Robbinsdale. The village was incorporated 53 years ago, but by vote of the citizens at the last general election, became a city of the fourth class. Ceremonies included the funeral procession for the village and the first meeting of the city council. – Robbinsdale Post-1938


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