The Beauty Spot


Plans for dredging the southern end of Crystal lake and the constructing of a boulevard around the lake to connect with the Glenwood-Camden boulevard which comes within a few blocks of the lake are being considered by prominent business men of Minneapolis who have secured more than fifty acres of land on the south shore of the lake and intend to construct homes.

The north end of Crystal Lake in the early 1900’s


Crystal Lake, which is nearly one mile long and which is spring-fed, has been a great attraction to the fishermen from Minneapolis and with a bathing pavilion at the northern end of the lake has been the scene of many picnics from the city. The plans under way for the dredging and parking of the lake will make the adjoining grounds more attractive.

Business men at Robbinsdale have also been considering a plan of linking Twin Lakes, a short distance north, to Crystal lake with a canal similar to the park canals in Minneapolis

Minneapolis Journal– May 31st, 1914

Crystal Lake in a 1913 Hennepin County Atlas

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