The Beauties of Robbinsdale

Among the good things that 1904 brings to the homeseeker, nothing is more attractive than Robbinsdale Park as a desirable place in which to build a home. Adjacent to the largest and most prosperous city in the Northwest, it offers to the business or professional man, the mechanic and day laborer, an ideal place to live at a minimum of cost.

Streetcar stop at the Modern Woodsmen of America Park (36th and France) in 1904

The village of Robbinsdale is situated four and a half miles northwest of the business centre of Minneapolis which can be reached by steam or electric cars. The water is the purest in the state according to the state chemist’s report, and wells may be sunk at small cost.

Boats and bathers on Crystal Lake in the early 1900’s

There are three beautiful lakes contiguous to the village, Crystal and the two Twin Lakes, which are supplied with fish, and afford ample facilities for bathing and boating. A pavilion is to be erected upon the lake shore this summer, and boats will be supplied to all who desire.

-Robbinsdale Park Progress, 1904


Beauties of Robbinsdale…

Robbinsdale is one of the most ideally located villages in the state. It is but four miles from the business district of Minneapolis. The cars of the North Side Street Railway company come to the terminal of the Twentieth Avenue N. line. While the equipment is not strictly up to date, it is proving satisfactory. Additional cars have been placed on the line, and these are crowded Sundays when many visitors go to the park. It is the intention of improving the service in a short time.

L.J. Nassett standing at Trump’s landing on Twin Lake

Robbinsdale lies high, and the view is a beautiful one. Crystal lake is one of the beauties of the town, being about half a mile from the business district. The Twin lakes are directly to the north, and some excellent fish catches have been made there this year.

The A. B. Robbins Residence on Twin Lake

The citizens of Robbinsdale have always taken a great pride in their place, and many beautiful homes are to be seen along the road. One of the handsomest is that of A. B. Robbins, after whom the village was named. The residence is very large, with lawns and groves extending to all sides. The grounds run towards the Twin lakes.

Looking north along Crystal Lake Road ( West Broadway) near Rockford Road (42nd Avenue North) in the early 1900’s

Robbinsdale has one of the most perfect roads in the state. This is the road that continues through Osseo to Anoka. A great amount of money has been expended upon it by the county commissioners, and during the past few years it has been macadamized. It is perfectly level, and nearly as smooth as a race course. Aside from this there is a cycle path along the road, and which for years has been a favorite with wheelmen. The road is so good and the cycle path so perfect that many residents of Robbinsdale, working in the city, find that the bicycle is a great accommodation.

Minneapolis Times- July 3rd, 1904

The postcard that appears at the top of the post features a tree lined drive that was probably on the northwest corner of lower Twin Lake on the north side of the Robbins Mansion. (Courtesy of Jeff Vick)


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