H. R. Stillman’s new residence is rapidly nearing completion under the able supervision of Architect C. Struck and Contractor J. Pilgrim. After the house is completed it will contain fourteen rooms besides a bath-room and a very large hall. Mr. Stillman believes in good sized rooms, his sitting and dining rooms being 14×18, with very high ceilings. The laundry and milk room will occupy the rear part of the basement, and at one end of the milk room will be built a large ice box. A hot water heating plant will be placed in the centre of the basement, and the front end, which is two feet deeper than the rear of the cellar, will be used to store potatoes in. The plans of the house were drawn with careful consideration for the convenience of all parts. The house is situated on a small knoll facing south, and has a very fine view, and will cost in the neighborhood of five thousand dollars, and from what Mr. Stillman says, Contractor Pilgrim is giving the best of satisfaction, and in some instances doing better than the specifications call for. When his home is completed it will be a great acquisition to the many handsome residences of Robbinsdale.
– In the August edition of Thomas Girling’s Picturesque Robbinsdale Newspaper,1893