Some Have Found A Solution!

“In June Miss Edith Robbins graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor of Science degree. All five of Mr. Robbins daughters graduated from the University of Minnesota, two of them earning Masters Degrees as well. It was a splendid sight to see Mr. Robbins and his five daughters, all so beautifully dressed, sitting together in the Congregational Church, filling the pew completely.”


With the advent of spring comes the question of moving, house building, house finding. To the great mass of people living in the city, paying high rent and taxes, this problem comes as a stern reality. To the man working on an average salary, taking care of household expenses, clothing, etc. this problem needs deep study. How long can he keep up the pace , before his vitality weakens and his earning capacity wanes and at the close of life find he is still renting and nothing laid away for a rainy day. Some have found a solution: become a home owner is some suburb where taxes are minimal, where the sky is blue and the sunshine bright and clear, the atmosphere pure. Is there such a place close to Minneapolis you ask?


This is the sixth in a series of posts featuring Dorthy Hartig’s History of Robbinsdale , presented to the Robbinsdale Library Club in 1949. Edith Robins and a photo of the Robbins residence from the Robbinsdale Park Progress are pictured at the top of the post.

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