Ski Hill
Ready for First Meet
Leading Jumpers to Dedicate Norwegian- American Slide
A field of at least 100 of the top flight ski jumpers of the middle west is assured for the Northwest Championships next Sunday afternoon at the Norwegian American club’s new hill in Robbinsdale. Club officials announced today that they have received entries from Minnesota. the Dakotas. Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin with all of the aces of these states listed. The new hill has been built on the latest F.IS. specifications. The takeoff has been set back and higher on the scaffold than the average hill to give the contestants a longer and higher flight. Norwegian American members have been working feverishly in recent weeks putting the finishing touches to their new project. The scaffold is in such shape now that quite a few trial jumps are being made every day. This new Ski center can be reached by driving west on Lowry Avenue North to France, Robbinsdale with the hill to the left one block. Bus and streetcars carry spectators to within tour blocks, of the scene of Sunday’s jumping, which starts at 2 p.m.
-Minneapolis Star February 7th, 1940

was the ski jump where Trevilla now stands?
France and 29th is about a block and a 1/2 south of Trevilla.
Read the book by Peter Geye, “The Ski Jumper.” The story takes place here.