SEPTEMBER 25, 2018
President Diane Jacobson McGee opened the meeting and led with the Pledge of Allegiance.
MINUTES of the last Membership meeting and Board meeting were accepted as printed.
NEW BOARD MEMBERS were introduced: Tr
TREASURER’S REPORT David said he is working with the finances and he has re-established our 501 Account with the Secretary of State. He gave an update on our three accounts.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS Next month we will be electing and re-electing our Officers and ask for any input from our members. Diane said there are forms available on the “Sign In” table for this purpose. We also need volunteers for refreshments for October and November.
SPEAKERS FOR THIS MEETING were Karen Laukkonen and Kristi Gibson who have been working on the restoration of Graeser Park which is located between West Broadway and Highway 100 (where you will see the “Beehive” stone barbecues. This park is a historic park built during the Great Depression and is the only “intact” picnic area left in the entire country. There are a growing number of people who are working to restore this treasure.
Thanks were given to those who brought treats.
Thanks also to Channel 12 for their presence (CCX). Twenty people signed our “sign in” sheet.
Next meeting will be October 23 at 1:00 pm.
Carolyn Lageson