September Meeting Announcement
Tuesday, September 24th at 1pm the Robbinsdale Public Safety Building (Fire and Police Building). Special guest speaker Darryl Sannes is a Civil War expert and will share information about Minnesota’s part in the Civil War. You don’t want to miss this!
Membership Dues
Have you remembered to pay yours for this year? At only $10.00 annually it’s a real bargain and helps our work go forward as well as pay for some great information and entertainment. Bring your check book to the September meeting.
Idea for future Meeting Programs
Your board is always looking for your ideas and desires for General Meeting programs. Please talk to or send a message to Daine.
Treats for Coffee Time at Meetings
Vi Sandgren is available with paper and pen for volunteers who are willing to bring treats for an upcoming meeting. Please volunteer at her table.
Historical Society Board Update
We are working on an electronic inventory of our museum’s collections. If anyone has a laptop Mac that is less than four years old they are willing to donate or sell for a minimum price for this project, please talk to our President Daine Jacobson McGee.
Pete Richie is writing and assembling pictures for a new book on Robbinsdale’s storied past for Arcadia publishing’s Images of America series. It may be available for purchase by the end of the year. We’ll keep you posted.
Volunteer Hosts at the Museum
If you can be at the Museum to meet and greet visitors on Fridays and/or Saturdays. Virginia Anderson would love to talk to you.
I went to Lee Elementary School from 1968 to 1971 and was wondering if you had pictures or any articles about the history of the building. Thank you.