Olson’s Grocery on Yates was one of at least seven little corner stores nestled in Robbinsdale’s sleepy neighborhoods. Back before anybody ever heard of Hy-Vee, Rainbow, or Red Owl these were the places Mom sent the kids to pick up a bottle of aspirin or a pack of cigarettes. In the last couple decades most of these groceries have been converted to single family homes.

Do you have any pictures of the store at 38th and Perry? (3801)
I have the same question. We would walk up to get a quart of milk or other simple items. We always knew it as the Perry Dairy store. It was a little house like building.
Do you have any pictures of the grocery store at Noble Ave N and 36th Ave N?
I believe it was owned by the Lietzke family.
Thank you, Deanna Podratz
If you are talking about Crystal Heights Grocery on the S.E. Corner before it became the hardware store it was owned by the Pasters(sp).
Yes, that’s the location. Would that have been the name in the 30’s / 40’s?
I loved the Penny Avenue store!
I grew up across the street (4011 Yates). I knew Karen Olson. I think that she is the girl in the photo. If so, it was taken in 1955 or so.
Olson’s later became Anderson’s and yeah as a little girl I remember being sent over to buy cigarettes and even a quart of beer for Dad ! They let us run a tab, and Mom paid it off every week or so
Closed on Sunday but we’d knock on the back door if we needed something….they lived in the back half. Best part was the huge penny candy section.