The Robbinsdale Historical Society met at the Public Safety Building. President Diane Jacobson McGee called the meeting to order. We recited the Pledge of Allegiance. About 25 persons were in attendance.
The Minutes of the last meeting were not read as they were mailed to all members.
Our Treasurer, Ray Milford, was out of town. President Diane gave a summary of our accounts.
Rollie Heywood said since the last Membership meeting we have ha 424 persons sign in at the Museum. He has been working on putting more pictures on “Flash Drive” for the Museum.
The “Robbinsdale Room” at the Hennepin History Museum, which has many of our pieces on display, along with a video of Channel 12’s “Robbinsdale Interviews” will end at April 5th.
Susie Klatke has officially retired after years of faithfully seeing that our coffee is ready. Many thanks were given to her. (Those bringing treats this day were Joel, Rollie and Carolyn.)
We were reminded that Pete Richie’s book “Robbinsdale” is available for $22 at the “Secretary’s table”.

“Save The Terrace” representatives Alysia and David Leonhardt were at our meeting. They said they now have 1,600 members. It is on the way to gaining “historical status”. They are selling “Buttons” for $5.00.
The Robbinsdale History facebook page is being updated almost daily. We were encouraged to check it out.
The guest speaker for this meeting was Bill Walker of the Three Rivers Park District, cultural resources coordinator. He shared his vast knowledge of Pierre Bottineau, whose restored house is now at Elm Creek Park Preserve and open for visits on Saturdays from 1 – 4 pm. Mr. Bottineau was known as the “Kit Carson of the Northwest” and was an integral part of the history and development of Minnesota and North Dakota.
The April 28th meeting of the Robbinsdale Historical Society will be Wesley Stone, County Surveyor who will talk about “Old Roads” in our area. Refreshments will be by Jerry Smothers, Ron and Betty Andersen, Joel Peterson.
-Carolyn Lageson, Secretary