In August, Mrs. Edith Robbins Daniel, daughter of A. B. Robbins for whom Robbinsdale was named, died at age 73 after having been hit by a car a month earlier. She had been the school board clerk for the past 24 years, She wrote poems for children and her last poem “Gold Stars,” written the evening after she stood before the Honor Roll in Robbinsdale and noted the many blue stars that had turned to gold, is worth recording:
“A story of sacrifice daily is told
By the stars of deep blue that are turning to gold.
The stars in Old Glory are shining more bright
Because of gold stars that reflect a new light.
These stars of bright gold that now shine through our tears
Shall shine in new glory all down through the years.”
Captain W. Mueller, a fighter pilot, died in action over France about this time.

This post is part of a series loosely based on the book Robbinsdale Then and Now by Helen Blodgett. In the photo at the top of the post Susie Trombley (right) points to her fiance, Roy E. Dennis on the Honor Wall. The Trombley family lived in Robbinsdale for generations. Their house on Regent was moved for the construction of Robbinsdale High School. The Trombley children all attended Sacred Heart Catholic School until the 8th grade.