Record number 126
Institution name Robbinsdale Historical Society
Object number FF125
Number of parts 1
Distinguishing features Newspaper Articles
Object name and title
Object category Family Files
Object name Wicklund
Title Wicklund
Description True Detective magazine
Production dating
Date (early) 1959
Content description
Description True Detective magazine
Physical description
Description Original copy of True Detective magazine from 1959, binding
still together with frayed edges
Inscriptions and markings
Inscription / marking Post-It note, see page 31, Ogden Wicklund
Object history
Object history note This artifact points to the Ogden Wicklund murder story, but
I am unsure why this is related to Robbinsdale. However,
there must be some connection, as the note on the front of
the magazine refers to the Robbinsdale Historical Society.
Could there have been a local connection between the victim
and/or killer?
Name 1
Date 2014-01-12
Time 13:39:07
Dataset collect>intern
Name 1
Date 2014-04-02
Time 19:22:03
Dataset collect>intern