%0 166
BA Robbinsdale Historical Society
DE 1992
DF Photos
DS 1890
IA (Beach, cabin, shoreline) Nash house on hill, Crystal Lake Bath House 1914; (Cars in front of skaters) Winter 47-48 Crystal Lake, Hans V. Mickelson Bx 65A RR #4 Cumberland, WI 54828; (Lake with trees) Nov 92; (Raft on lake) Deck on Crystal Lake 1947; (Boys in front of bathhouse) Floyd Nash’s Bath House- E side Crystal Lake; (Girls on raft, man in canoe) Sharon and Lynda, Crystal Lake 1957; (Women in Lake) Kate, Hilsted, Crystal Lake, 4 July; (Women and children in lake) Crystal Lake, 4 July 1916; (Lake with theater on far left) The reeds you see along the far shore no longer exist in abundane. The view is from my deck looking at the Tenace Theater in the background. Alson, the neighbors yard, as you can see, sank almost 1 1/2 feet due to flooding in early Sept. of that year. This is the result of what happened to their yard.
IN CF001
OB Crystal Lake
OC City Files
PB This file containe several reproducd photos (some off of picture postcards) that depict scenes around Crystal Lake, including boating, canoeing, and the local bathhouse. The earliest inscribed photo claims to be from 1890, while others appear similarly dated, while others are from the post WWII period. Added are two reproduced photos taken from the 1916 4th of July depicting women and children swimming in the lake. Added is an original photo of Crystal Lake from a private residence, with the no longer there Tenace Theater in the background.
PD Reproduced Photos; some picture postcards
QU 16
TI Crystal Lake
di 2014-02-09
dm 2014-06-30
dm 2014-06-24
dm 2014-04-15
ni 1
nm 1
nm 1
nm 1
tm 10:34:30
tm 19:26:56
tm 17:28:00
tx 12:27:00
vi collect>intern
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