%0 305
BA Robbinsdale Historical Society
DF Photos, Newspaper Articles
DS 1999
IN BF055.1
OB Thirteen Moons
OC Business Files
PB This file contains a single newspaper article about the opening of the new restaurant Thirteen (13) Moons in 1999, with commentary about owners Brian and Roxy Herman, as well as the plans for other details of the business. Added is a copied photo of the business’s exterior. By 2010, Thirteen Moons was replaced by Nonna Rosa’s.
PD One newspaper cutout and a copied photo
QU 2
TI Thirteen Moons
di 2014-06-08
dm 2014-07-13
ni 1
nm 1
tm 11:55:55
tx 12:58:48
vi collect>intern
vm collect>intern