%0 277
BA Robbinsdale Historical Society
CB Manufacturing company / thermostat company
DE 1984
DF Photos, Booklets, Documents
DS 1890
IA (Building exterior) 1890, Burned in 1892; (Workers) Sweatt Mfg. C. 1892 shortly before it burned down
IN BF054
OB Sweatt
OC Business Files
PB This file contains two reproduced photos, one of the Sweatt Manufacturing exterior and one which is assumed to be of the roster of workers. There are also two different receipts for a copy of the book Robbinsdale Then…and Now made out to the Honeywell Company, as well as a short descriptive history on W.R. Sweatt and his dealings with the Temperature Company , the Electric Thermostat Company, and what later must have become Honeywell. There is also a booklet from 1982 describing the Honeywell company.
PD This file contains two reproduced photos, two different receipts for a copy of the book Robbinsdale Then…and Now, as well as a short descriptive history on W.R. Sweatt, as well as photocopies of Sweatt Manufacturing stock and a short exerpt of company bylaws.. There is also a booklet from 1982 describing the Honeywell company
QU 7
TI Sweatt Mfg. Company
di 2014-05-14
ni 1
tx 18:51:19
vi collect>intern