%0 274
BA Robbinsdale Historical Society
DE 1932
DF Photos, Newspaper Articles, Artifacts
DS 1906
IA (Store front) John B. Scott’s grocery at 42nd West Broadway- 1906- daughter Hazel Scott Regan; (Three people in store interior) same spot as Scott’s, 42nd and Broadway 1929, Fred Marton (?), Florence Schilling, Julius Scott, mgr.
IN BF051
OB Scott Grocery
OC Business Files
PB This file contains some reproduced photos depicting two different shots of the Scott grocery interior, plus one of the store’s exterior. There is also a newspaper article describing Jules Scott’s purchase of the grocery department of J. Trump and Co. Also included in this file are original artifacts, including an original check from the Security State Bank of Robbinsdale from Scott’s Grocery, as well as an original order slip (unmarked) for Ewald Brothers dairy, as well as two sets of original legal documents, one for a loan and another for a property mortgage. Also included is a notebook of purchases for the Jules Scott family from 1931 ad 1932.
PD Three reproduced photos, one small newspaper cutout, one original check (dated 1931), two different legal contracts (one a loan, the other a mortgage), an original order slip from Ewald Bros. Dairy, and an original notebook marked with family purchases compelted from 1931-32
QU 9
TI Scott Grocery
di 2014-05-14
ni 1
tx 18:18:04
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