%0 270
BA Robbinsdale Historical Society
CB Russ Grocery
DE 1942
DF Photos, Newspaper Articles, Artifacts
DS 1889
IA (Building exterior, Russ Bros. sign) circa 1889; (men behind bar) 1900-1910; (four men standing in front of store) Ervi Russ, Ross Wiley, Allan MacDonald, Herb Classen, taken about 1915; (three men inside store) C.J. (illegible) Russ, Julius Scott 2nd from right, mid 1920; (four men inside store) Inside Russ Grocery 1910 Julius Scott, Jack Bloberger, Herbert Clausen and E.N. Russ; (four men outside store Russ Grocery) 1898- note up to date gas lamp at right water pump at left
IN BF047
OB Russ Grocery
OC Business Files
PB This file contains several reproduced photos of Russ Grocery, including shots of both the inside and outside, as well as several of the workers at the store Also included is a photocopied newspaper advertisement for the store depicting some product prices and dated from April 12, 1912. There are also two original cards, one signifying Mrs. E.N. Russ as completed the instruction course in first aid (1942) and a registration for E.N. Russ from 1918
PD Six reproduced photos, four of which have cardboard backing. Also included is a photocopied newspaper advertisement and two original certificates that are signed
QU 9
TI Russ Grocery MacDonald and Russ, Grocers
di 2014-05-08
ni 1
tx 19:53:38
vi collect>intern