%0 269
BA Robbinsdale Historical Society
DF Photos
IA (Workers in store) Ruff’s Groc., 1925, Flora Shilling, Julius Scott, Marge Wilson
IN BF046
OB Ruff’s Grocery
OC Business Files
PB This file only contains two photos. The first is a reproduction depicting the store’s interior and four of its worker. The older photo reproduction depicts a group of men outside the store, which is marked with C.B. Nelson Grocery and Spengel’s Big White Store signs on the exterior
PD Two reproduced photos
QU 2
TI Ruff’s Grocery
di 2014-05-08
dm 2014-05-08
ni 1
nm 1
tm 19:43:14
tx 19:36:25
vi collect>intern
vm collect>intern