%0 245
BA Robbinsdale Historical Society
DE 1960
DF Photos, Recollections
DS 1940
IA (market interior) Otto’s Market, 1940s- 3559 France Ave. No.- This store blew up in the 1960s- I lived upstairs and eventually worked here- This is the store that blew up at 3559 France Ave. No. in 1960- He called it Otto’s Market
IN BF033
OB Otto’s Market
OC Business Files
PB This file contains only two photos. The first is a reproduction from the 1940s that depicts the interior of Otto’s market, along with three employees. There also is a newspaper article cutout (may be a photocopy) depicting the remnants of the 1960 explosion of the same store. Recently added is a typed recollection of the fire, although the grocery is called AM’s, and it makes reference to an unincluded photo.
PD One reproduced photo along with what seems to be a cut out of a newspaper
QU 3
TI Otto’s Market
di 2014-03-25
dm 2014-08-24
dm 2014-04-22
ni 1
nm 1
nm 1
tm 14:52:53
tm 18:21:19
tx 19:40:16
vi collect>intern
vm collect>intern
vm collect>intern