%0 244
BA Robbinsdale Historical Society
DE 1964
DF Photos, Newspaper Articles
DS 1888
IA (Store front on paper backing) The Nasset Store- 1st store in what was then Crystal Village- built in 1888- P.J. Linde, a partner for a long time, was a tinsmith in charge of the repair shop- The Nasett Family lived above the store (location was on north side of 42nd, just east of RR. (Man in front of store) Nassett Store- 1st store in Robbinsdale, Lawrence Nassett in front, 1988- Now Public Finance Loan Corp. upstairs- Beer and Supplies downstairs, now Kush’s Ice and Fuel; (Filling station) This filling station occupies Nassett’s corner- 44th and Crystal Lake Ave. (Used to be Rockford Road and Osseo Road) The back of Nasset’s old store shows at the left of the picture. Lawrence N. now has(?) the post office there, Nov. 24, 1921- Mayne Mattson’s oil station
IN BF032
OB Nasset Store
OC Business Files
PB This file contains different pictures of the Nasset store building, including one from what appears to be the early 1900s. There are also newspaper articles describing the store’s history, which also includes that of the Nasett family. Recently added is a photo of a filling station that was located behind the Nasset’s store, dating from 1921, and a cutout of a newspaper article that dscribes the history of the store.
PD Several reproduced photos, along with a couple newspaper cutouts
QU 8
TI Nasset Store
di 2014-03-25
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