%0 243
BA Robbinsdale Historical Society
DF Photos, Newspaper Articles
DS 1914
IA (Store front) 40 1/2 and West Bdwy. Nash Plumbing and Roth Groceries
IN BF031
OB Nash Plumbing
OC Business Files
PB This file contains one picture of the store front for Nash Plumbing (and Roth Groceries), as well as another photocopy of a picture of water, but it has no identifying features. There is also a small newspaper article from 1914 that describes owner George Nash and the services that he provided.
PD One reproduced photo, one photocopy, and a newspaper cutout
QU 3
TI Nash Plumbing
di 2014-03-25
dm 2014-04-22
ni 1
nm 1
tm 18:20:00
tx 19:28:04
vi collect>intern
vm collect>intern