%0 242
BA Robbinsdale Historical Society
DE 1976
DF Photos, Newspaper Articles
DS 1920
IA (Street corner with cars) Mueller drug store 1920s street car turn around at 42nd and W. Broadway; (Store next to theater) looking west on 42nd Ave. N, 1943); (Play cast) Rosemary Mueller; (Store front) Mueller Drug- corner 42 and W. Bdwy circa 1940 and on
IN BF030
OB Mueller’s Drug Store
OC Business Files
PB This file contains several artifacts dealing with Mueller’s Drug Store. There are many shots of the store from the street, including the surrounding buildings and one with a local ice cream truck. There are also some pictures of Mueller family members, as well as several newspaper articles describing the owning family ad their store’s history. There is also what looks to be an inventory sheet from Mueller’s Pharmacy, which appears to be dated from 1958. Added is a sheet with two photocopied pictures, one depicting the MacDonald and Russ grocery, and then the Mueller Drug Store which occupied the same location. Recently added is a photo of the front of the store which is incuded in a newspaper article, but this is just the photo
PD Several reproduced or photocopied photos, several newspaper cutouts (some with accompanying photos), and what looks to be an inventory slip from the pharmacy
QU 11
TI Mueller’s Drug Store
di 2014-03-25
dm 2014-07-13
dm 2014-06-08
dm 2014-04-22
ni 1
nm 1
nm 1
nm 1
tm 10:43:37
tm 14:21:19
tm 18:19:18
tx 19:23:50
vi collect>intern
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