File# RF013 Valley Community Presbyterian Church

Record number 415

Institution name Robbinsdale Historical Society
Object number RF013
Number of parts 1
Distinguishing features Photos

Object name and title
Object category Religion Files
Object name Valley Community
Title Valley Community Presbyterian Church

Production dating
Date (early) 1996

Physical description
Description One photo originally used in the Post

Inscriptions and markings
Inscription / marking (Family) Kim, 20 Mn. old Ryan, Pat, 6 yr. old Lindsey, and
10 yr. old Joey Kane at the Court of Honor held at Valley
Community Presb. Church Thurs in GV

Object history
Object history note This file contais one photo orignally used in the Post that
depicts the Kane family attending church at the Valley
Community Presbyterian Church in Golden Valley in 1996.

Name 1
Date 2014-08-17
Time 13:48:16
Dataset collect>intern


2014-12-31 Extended object listing
page 503

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