File# RF011.3 Saint Raphael’s

Record number 326

Institution name Robbinsdale Historical Society
Object number RF011.3
Number of parts 6
Distinguishing features Photos

Object name and title
Object category Religion Files
Object name Saint Raphael’s
Title Saint Raphael’s

Production dating
Date (early) 1961
Date (late) 1997

Physical description
Description This file contains three original photos and two other
reproduced photos, and another photo originally used in the

Inscriptions and markings
Inscription / marking (Priest) St. Raphael’s 140% Fr. Fenlon Frolics; (Church
exterior) St. Raphael’s Catholic Church, Spring 1961, 118%
Frolics; (Three kids) L to R, Brandon McClellan, Tracy
Johnson, and Kevin Brueske; (Priest with award) Monsignor
Stanley Srnec and his award; (Man with electronics)
Volunteer Greg McLachlan, NH, assembles the Patch panels at
St. Raphael’s school Sat. for Net Day.

Object history
Object history note This file contains three photos from Saint Raphael’s
Catholic Church, the oldest depicting Fr. Fenlon at the groundbreaking, the
second showing the exterior of the church during construction, and the third is a much more
recent youth event run through the church. Recently added
are two pictures, one being Monsignor Stanley Srnec receiving
an award from New Hope, and the other being Fr. Mark Juettner with a
giant check made out to a grand prize winner from the
parish festival. Recently added is a photo from the Post featuring a
volunteer, Greg McLaughlan, helping out at Net Day taking
place at St. Raphael’s school.

Name 1
Date 2014-06-24
Time 18:39:08
Dataset collect>intern

Name 1
Date 2014-09-28
Time 11:14:02
Dataset collect>intern
Name 1
Date 2014-08-17
Time 13:37:34
Dataset collect>intern


2014-12-31 Extended object listing
page 501

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