Record number 120
Institution name Robbinsdale Historical Society
Object number FF119
Number of parts 1
Distinguishing features Newspaper Articles
Object name and title
Object category Family Files
Object name Urban
Title Urban, Gus Family
Production dating
Date (early) 1933
Physical description
Description Photocopy of the Hennepin County Newspaper from July 20,
1933, and a photocopy from the July 18, 1933 North Hennepin
Post with an attached letter
Object history
Object history note A photocopied newspaper article describing the funeral of
Gus Urban, local businessman and former mayor. Recently
added is another photocopied obituary for Gus Urban, this
one from the North Hennepin Post, with an accompanying
letter of description from Hales (?) Corners, written in
July 19, 1998
Name 1
Date 2014-01-12
Time 12:43:22
Dataset collect>intern
Name 1
Date 2014-08-10
Time 14:38:46
Dataset collect>intern
Name 1
Date 2014-04-02
Time 18:51:50
Dataset collect>intern
I am the grandson of Otto Baumgart. Otto and Gustav were step brothers. My mother called him Uncle Gus. The following is the information that I have on Uncle Gus:
Gustav Julius Urban – Born in July 1869 in Germany. Gustav was a son from Henrietta (maiden name Tausendfreund) Baumgart’s first marriage. He followed the Baumgart family to America by arriving on 02/25/1887 at Baltimore, Maryland on the S.S. Weser. Gustav married his first wife Julia Zirles (born ca. 1872 in MN) on 07/04/1896. Gustav had a butcher shop in Robbinsdale, MN, and he later served as the mayor of Robbinsdale. Julia died on 08/11/1910, so Gustav married his second wife Mary (born in Bohemia ca. 1867) on 06/07/1911 in Hennepin County. Gustav died 07/12/1933. Gustav and Julia had the following children:
1) Katherine H.: Born November 1897.
2) Henrietta F.: Born ca. 1904.
Henrietta Baumgart died in Little Falls on 07/12/1936, two years later on the same date after Gustav. Her obituary mentions Gustav. She is buried in the Oakland Cemetery, Little Falls, MN.
The email for Bruce Whitcomb should read: whitcobd@gmail.com