Record number 115
Institution name Robbinsdale Historical Society
Object number FF114
Number of parts 72+
Distinguishing features Photos, Newspaper Articles, Miscelleneous Artifacts
Object name and title
Object category Family Files
Object name Thorson
Title Thorson, Jo (Jo Kelly)
Description 1959-60 Robbinsdale High School
Production dating
Date (early) 1959
Date (late) 1960
Content description
Description A collection of artifacts from the 1959-60 Robbinsdale High
School year
Physical description
Description Several Photos are reproductions of originals, most
newspaper articles are originals although there are some
photocopies, many other artifacts are originals, including
programs, booklets, and patches
Inscriptions and markings
Inscription / marking Several depicting highlights of the Robbinsdale school year
Object history
Object history note This extensive collection was assembled originally for the
50th anniversery of the Robbinsdale High School class of
1960, which features several newspaper articles and photos
that depict the school year. Artifacts are collected into
envelopes that include events such as Homecoming, the school
play, the football season, the school marching band, a class
trip to Washington, D.C., as well as other various banquets
and events. An extensive collection that describes in detail
the events of the 1959-60 school year
Name 1
Date 2014-01-12
Time 12:15:46
Dataset collect>intern
Name 1
Date 2014-04-02
Time 18:44:20
Dataset collect>intern