Record number 96
Institution name Robbinsdale Historical Society
Object number FF095
Number of parts 5
Distinguishing features Photos, Recollections
Object name and title
Object category Family Files
Object name Russ
Title Russ Family
Physical description
Description Typed recollection of letters and notes from Mary Ann Brown
Russ to her grandson Perry Handy Smith as well as several
photo reproductions of Nathan Russ and family
Inscriptions and markings
Inscription / marking Grace Russ, Twins Hazel and Harriet, and Helen; Nathan Russ
circa after Civil War; Nathan Russ circa 1900s
Object history
Object history note Personal recollections from Mary Ann Brown Russ describing
her early life around Robbinsdale during the late 1800s,
plus several photos depicting Nathan Russ and the Russ
children (related probably?)
Name 1
Date 2014-01-05
Time 14:42:08
Dataset collect>intern
Name 1
Date 2014-04-02
Time 17:51:03
Dataset collect>intern