%0 231
BA Robbinsdale Historical Society
DE 1967
DF Photos, Newspaper Articles
DS 1926
IA (Men in office) Howard Lumber office 1926- sitting T Howard, Don Rieble (?); (Smoldering building) 1940, Stable, horses died; (Crowd standing in front of train) 1940 Fire, RR moving box cars away from flames;
IN BF019
OB Howard Lumber Company
OC Business Files
PB This file contains several photos, some originals, describing the Howard Lumber Yard. There are exterior shots of the yard and its buildings, as well as several photos of the 1940 fire and its aftermath. The newspaper article is a description of the yard’s past history. Also added is a 1962 newspaper profile of the company that describes its history since 1914.
PD Photo reproductions, some original photos photocopied newspaper
QU 27
TI Howard Lumber Comany
di 2014-03-22
dm 2014-06-08
dm 2014-04-22
dm 2014-03-25
ni 1
nm 1
nm 1
nm 1
tm 13:01:05
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