For at least a generation a little tavern on the edge of Crystal Lake greeted folks on the way into Robbinsdale’s business district. I’m not sure where they put the band, but the little place was popular with beer drinkers and dancers.

Bofferding’s Point was located on the only dry patch of land between West Broadway and France Avenue below the hill the Terrace Theater was eventually built on.

A 1913 map of the area shows the lot was owned by the Gluek’s Brewery and one of the only surviving photographs of the area at that time shows a Gluek’s beer wagon out front.

The service station and tavern were purchased by the Volk Brothers in the early 1950’s. The building was demolished to make way for another entrance to the Terrace Theater’s parking lot.
Who was the doctor that was in charge of the original North Memorial Hospital in the 1940’s and 1950’s?
Dr. Samuelson?
Any pictures of the Clock Drive In on 36th near RHS?
This was my grandparents establishment. I have fond childhood memories of our Bofferding family enjoying holiday dinners here with all my aunts, uncles, and cousins. We were a LARGE Catholic family.