On April 21 the Library Club planted a Memorial Elm at the Library in commemoration of 200 years since George Washington’s birth. Ernest P. Sheffield donated the tree and attended to the planting. A record of the planting and a copy of the Club program was sealed in a bottle and put in the roots of the tree. The program included an Invocation by Mrs. J. S. Russ and an address “Trees” by Mrs. H. M. Adams. It is unknown now which tree it was as several have been removed.
In 1929, a rerouting of Jefferson Highway, for five miles through Robbinsdale and Crystal was proposed. It would eliminate three dangerous railroad crossings, lessen the traffic in the business district and avoid the streetcar tracks by skirting the west shore of Crystal Lake. Construction didn’t start until 1932. Much fill was needed to fill the swampy area left by the receding Crystal Lake. It became State Highway 52 in 1934. In 1942, a fantastic traffic circle was built just east of the hospital with at least seven entrances and exits. In 1958, Highway 52 was upgraded to four lanes.

Allan and Agnes Julia MacDonald bought the Elwood Hotel on Hubbard and 41st Avenue, furnishing board and room. They owned it for 25 years selling it, in 1957, to Sacred Heart Church. To make room for the new church, the hotel was moved across the street where it still stands. The church kept it as a rooming house until 1973, when Donald M. “Mike” and Cora Noonan bought it and changed the name to Robin Hotel, It still serves as a rooming house for long-term renters.
Willard Billmyre and Lloyd Shea returned from two years of service in the U.S. Army, most of it in Honolulu in the 64th Coast Artillery.
At the election. December 6, 1932, annexation to Minneapolis was defeated for the eighth time. T. A. MacKensie, former Trustee, was elected president of the Village Council, winning over Clyde F. Burfeind, Oscar E. Dahl, former Recorder”, was elected Trustee; Clinton F. Wilson, former Village Manager, was elected Recorder; Clyde F. Jansen was elected Constable; C.~E. Whitney, Justice of the Peace; and Lars Nasett, Assessor.
The Hennepïn County Enterprise carrying suburban news was published in Robbinsdale.’ Subscription rate—$2 per year. It was located at west of the Nasett Store on 42nd. John L. Suel was secretary- treasurer.
A Christmas Party was held by the Westphal Post and Auxiliary at Robbinsdale Jr. High School. A men’s quartet included Dr. Henry Hartig, Ed Schuler, Arthur J. Larson, and Arleigh E. Prince. The guys accompanied by Mrs. Howard W. Anderson, were the”main”attraction. Dr. Hartig was president of the Robbinsdale Board of Education at this time.
This post is part of a series based on the book Robbinsdale Then and Now by Helen Blodget. The Image at the top of the post features the Robbinsdale Fire Department in the early 1930’s. In the front Row: Frank Cherveny, Matt Spurem, E. Gorman, Tim Eull, Bud Gallagher, Mike Plumedahl. Back Row: Archie Martin, Jack Trump, Louis Ackerman, Warren Bartlett, Herb Clausen, Merv Holt, Al Bossert, Howard Hommes, Hess Linderholm, Walt Sipe. Top Row: Wally Eull, Doug Bartlett, Louis Miller