On January 19 Mr. J. Bloberger, Hall Custodian, reported “his supply of wood and coal was running short and he didn’t know if he could get any more” so the Council instructed him not to rent the hall to outside parties and to conserve fuel as much as possible.
The Council also in 1918 voted to pay $3.25 per week for admission of a Robbinsdale resident (name withheld by editor) to the poor farm as his relatives refuse to care for him any longer. The Hennepin County poor farm was located one-half mile south of Hopkins.
In 1918 the Council Trustees were paid $10 per year. The Treasurer, E. M. Pearson, received $100 and J. A. Trump, as Clerk got $150.

Amy Robbins Ware was accepted as a canteen worker, American Red Cross, and sailed for France on “La Touraine,” March 14, 1918. Her first assignment to 3rd Aviation Instruction Center, Issoudun, enabled her to continue teaching radio, nights, to prospective “observers,” while serving in Red Cross Canteen through the day. The officer in charge of the classes being transferred elsewhere, this work was important. When the Red Cross called for volunteers to the front, September, 1918, Mrs. Ware went and served in emergency canteen and nursing throughout St. Mihiel and Argonne drives, “under fire” with Field Hospital No. 41, where there were no other women than her unit, at Sorcey-sur-Meuse. She had learned the manoeuvers of the aviators at the Aviation Center, and in her book “Echoes of France,” describes the first air battle she saw, at Sorcey, under the title “Birds of the Night.” She continued with Evacuation Hospital, No. 9, Vaubricourt; and No. II, Brizeaux-Forestierre in the Argonne, until December 8, 1918.
This post is part of a series loosely based on the book Robbinsdale Then and Now by Helen Blodget. The image at the top of the post depicts a group of relatively well behaved children in front of the Robbinsdale Public School in 1918.