A Living Monument

From the  Presidents Report to the Minneapolis Park Board of Commissioners in 1921:

Probably the most outstanding event of the year was the dedication on June 11 of the memorial trees on Victory Memorial Drive made possible largely by the generosity of the “Father of our Park System”, the Honorable C.M. Loring who expressed himself on the solemn occasion in these words which I feel should be preserved in the records of the board,


The trees we planted today will on each recurrent spring, put their beautiful robes of green to remind our children and our children’s children for many generations of the great debt they owed to the heroes who’s memories they will ever keep green. These trees will be fresh memorials each year new life and buds and leaves appear- a living monument and true type of immortality.


The park board was represented on the program by President A.A.McRae. The completion and opening of this section of the Grand Rounds took place on August 12 with very informal but delightful exercises when we were honored with the presence of Mr. C.M. Loring, Mr. W.W. Folwell, former Mayor Nye, and Captain David L Sutherland representing the American Legion, all of whom a brief but very fitting remarks. The Victor Memorial Drive again came into prominence on the occasion of the visit to Minneapolis of Monsieur Foch, the great Marshal of France who lead the Allied Armies to victory in the Great World War. As he reached the entrance to drive he spoke the following words which I think express beautifully the real meaning of this memorial,


“I am very happy to visit this memorial which in its conception and execution I consider magnificent. The recording of the record of the individual in this fashion is a splendid method of maintaining the intercourse between the living and the dead fallen for their country. There is no finer way of maintaining the traditions of the country and no finer way of fostering patriotism.”

1 thought on “A Living Monument”

  1. I saw a file notation for the obituary of John Munn listed as distantly related to this post. How might I get a copy? My aunt was very close to John.


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