99 Years Ago in Robbinsdale

A small treasure from our collection: A photo album with 39 captioned images from 1914. The photos provide a warm and intimate portrait of our city and some of its residents at that time, including such familiar names as Parker, Stillman, Shumway, and Pollard. People of all ages are pictured, as are many of their homes, some of which still stand today. The Village of Robbinsdale had a population of about 800 when the album was assembled in 1914. The photos convey the warmth of a small but growing community. And one, labeled “February ’14,” conveys the cold. Winter was ever thus.

1 thought on “99 Years Ago in Robbinsdale”

  1. Thanks, grew up across the street from North Memorial, remember when Oakdale was a tunnel of elm trees from the traffic circle up to France Ave, no curbs, edible mushrooms in the boulevard where a tree had been removed.


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