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Welcome to the Robbinsdale Historical Society, connecting you with local history back to the 1850s. Here on our website and in our museum, you’ll find stories, objects, pictures, maps, yearbooks, scrapbooks, phone books, and more.

Browse or search our Posts to explore neighborhoods, schools, organizations, businesses, and people from the past. If you’re in town, please visit the museum to see for yourself how fascinating Robbinsdale history can be.

The Historic Robbindale Library Building then and now.

Our museum is located in the historic Robbinsdale Library Building, built in 1926 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Enter the museum from Railroad Avenue (accessible entrance).


Robbinsdale holds a special place in the hearts of many. If you are one, we invite you to join us as a supporting member. Our members include folks who have lived in Robbinsdale for years, new neighbors who have moved here, and people who grew up here or went to Robbinsdale Schools and have since moved away. Everyone is welcome! Dues are $25 annually or $250 lifetime.

Join Us!

Help sustain us with a gift of any size. At the museum, you can drop a check or cash into the “tip box.” To make a donation online, click the “Donate” button, fill in an amount (either one-time or monthly) and pay with PayPal or a credit card. Thanks for your support!